Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

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Greg Ambrosius
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Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:49 pm

We have sold out at least one Draft Champions League each day for 19 straight days and I believe that trend will continue for much of the next month. We are going to keep taking signups for the 8-hour Draft Champions Leagues through March 7th and then wind down this format with a few 4-hour DCs after that and some DC Expresses where we draft all 50 rounds in one night.

Right now we are closing in on our goal of 70 full leagues between the $150 and $375 formats, which is exactly how many leagues we had last year. Once we go over 70 leagues, we'll start adding to the overall prize pool, including the grand prize. Right now the guarantee is at $10,000 and that could grow, depending on the number of additional leagues. Great job everyone and thanks for all your support in this very cool format.

I think this year's drafts have gone very well so far as the majority of them have been finishing in about three weeks. I can see a lot of leagues being completed in 20-21 days; some up to 24 days. The 4-Hour DCs have been done in 6-7 days, and no more than 10 days. The DC Expresses have been completed in 4 1/2 hours to 4 hours. WOW.

But we have a lot of new members jumping into this format now, so I thought I'd re-run a post I ran in November when we first started these drafts. Please read below so that you are ready to rock 'n roll when you jump into a DC. The key to making these work is COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION. Just let the other owners know when you'll be able to draft and that will help everyone plan their days and nights accordingly. If everyone is on the same page, you should get through 2-3 rounds per day and not really have too much time spent at the computer. Thanks all.

Here you go:

Okay, here are some tips to prepare for the upcoming Draft Champions season and some etiquette tips. These can be fun if you follow three simple rules: PREPAREDNESS, COMMUNICATION and RESPECT.

First, please realize that the reason these have 8 hours per pick is that we want everyone to sleep well at night and not fret about holding up the draft. We also want you to work during the day and not worry about holding up the draft if you can't get to a computer. But that doesn't mean you should take 8 hours to ANALYZE a pick. Since every pick is being emailed to you, it shouldn't be so tough to know 3 or 4 picks before you who is next up on your wish list and if needed take a little time to analyze the pros and cons of those available players and then make a pick. Waiting for more information is legal, but at some point we all just have to make a decision and make that pick.

These leagues usually take around 21-23 days to complete. You should get through at least 2 rounds per day. If we're slower than that after several rounds, please contact me and I'll push some participants a little. I can tell you from experience that making fun of an owner or calling certain owners names in the draft room to get them moving NEVER works. A phone call from me usually works a little better. ;) And you know what? Sometimes even that doesn't work, but all of you should know that I will step in and contact any owner if it helps move things along a little bit at the least. So reach out to me before the insults ruin the drafting experience.

As Todd and others have said before, the best part of these "slow drafts" is the camaraderie in the Chat Room. This is like a mini-social network where you have three weeks to talk about certain players, ask for feedback on your picks, talk about certain teams, and get to know like-minded baseball die-hards in a unique setting. It really is fun and these leagues are a blast to manage during the season. ENJOY the entire experience.

Now, that being said, there are easy ways to make solid picks in a timely fashion. Let's start with PREPAREDNESS.

** Once your league is set up, go to Draft and pull down to Draft Prep. That is the player default listing that will show up in your draft room. If you leave it as is, it will remain as the NFBC's player default list. But if you'd like to customize this based on your rankings, you can set this up so that the player default list comes up with YOUR rankings. And the best thing is that each time you enter a new NFBC online league, your Draft Prep list will load into the draft software. It does take a little while to move players around the way you want them, but each time you enter a new league you can tweak your lists and YOUR players will always be ranked the way you want them. Please take the time to do this and trust me you will never have to Search for players when it's time to make a crucial pick.

** Que List: This is very important for these Draft Champions Leagues. If you have players you want in the upcoming round, feel free to put them in your Que list. Just highlight the player and click the Que button and they will move over there. If I had the 4th overall pick in today's draft, I'd set my list up with Mike Trout, Ryan Braun, Miguel Cabrera and Matt Kemp in that order in my Que. I'd then click on Round 1 Auto and when my turn came up the computer would automatically pick the highest available player. It would take seconds to make my selection and I'd get the top player on my list. The Round 1 Auto would then turn off after my pick and the next time up I'd be back on an 8-hour clock. This is just one great example of how it can work. If I was at work and I was three picks away, again I'd set my 3 most desired players aside in my Que and wait until it's my turn to pick. Not using Round 1 Auto this time, I'd get emails of the next picks and when it was my turn to pick I'd have an easy decision between the players still left in my Que. Heck, I could take an hour to think that one over, but at the end of the day the top players would be right there for me and I could make my pick in a timely fashion. The Que IS YOUR FRIEND!! Use it. I promise you can't be hurt by putting players in your Que because they also remain in the Player Default List.

** Round 1 Auto: There are two boxes you can check under the Que List: Round 1 Auto and Auto. Round 1 Auto allows you to pick JUST ONE PLAYER automatically based on the players in your Que. It takes the top player there. If all of your players in your Que are gone, it would take the top player from the default list, but the goal is to have enough players in your default list. When your turn comes up, the computer automatically takes the top player in your Que and then it goes off Round 1 Auto. It just picks once. If you click on Auto, it will automatically make every pick immediately when you're on the clock. It will first take players from your Que and if there are no players in your Que it will take the top player from the player default list. I'd only check that if you are in the final rounds of your draft and you don't have a preference for your final picks or if you load your Que up and let's say you have the 15th pick and you want two of the top players from the Que that you set up. Then it works quickly, you get the players you want and the draft keeps moving. In that instance, it would pick both players in seconds.

This is the key to a successful Draft Champions league. The league Message Board IS YOUR FRIEND in these DC formats. A lot of guys like to jump into the draft room at night and bang out a few rounds of picks if possible. If you are out of town that night or busy at work and taking the family out to eat, just post in the league message board that you're unavailable that night but will be back at so-and-so time to make your pick. This way everyone can stay in the draft room until they know it's your pick and then return when you say and keep things flowing after that. The league members aren't wasting a lot of time and yet the picks are still moving at a nice pace. It also helps if one person takes charge and provides a phone number so that if anyone needs help with a pick or wants to communicate what their schedule is this person can be the voice for the league. I can even make picks if needed sometimes if you just want to email me. Remember, every pick is emailed to you, so it's not hard to keep up with the picks. Also, click on DRAFT BOARD to follow each pick and to see the colored stickers of each position being selected. The tools are in place for you to really follow this league without sitting in front of a computer all day.

Again, communication is key. We have PLENTY of time to finish these drafts, so we don't need to rush them. But just communicate your schedule in the league message boards if you can and realize that folks still want a few picks per day. I really don't think anyone should take 8 hours to ANALYZE a pick. I can understand why all of us would like to do that, but I don't think it leads to more success. Sometimes we can overanalyze something, too, so set some desirable players aside and be ready to pick when it's your turn and when you can comfortably get to a computer to do so.

I hope this helps. I'll add more tips as they come to mind, but these are key. Good luck everyone and have fun.
Greg Ambrosius
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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by tavo2311 » Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:00 pm

Sorry Greg but I wasn't clear from your post. Will there be only 8 hour offerings until March 7? Or will we be having more 4 hours immediately?

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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sun Feb 10, 2013 3:35 pm

tavo2311 wrote:Sorry Greg but I wasn't clear from your post. Will there be only 8 hour offerings until March 7? Or will we be having more 4 hours immediately?
Yes, 8-Hour Draft Champions Leagues will stop after March 7th.

We can start up a signup list for the next 4-Hour DC soon. No problem there.
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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by lgwillpark » Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:54 pm

Good post, Greg, thanks. I assume that DC Express leagues will be available at least once a week throughout March. Is that correct? Bill

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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:00 pm

lgwillpark wrote:Good post, Greg, thanks. I assume that DC Express leagues will be available at least once a week throughout March. Is that correct? Bill
Yeah, we'll offer them every Friday night in March before the live events as long as demand warrants them. As long as we finish DCs by March 30th, we'll schedule them. Enjoy.
Greg Ambrosius
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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by gpchurchill » Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:09 pm

important post

perhaps provide a link; dc rules to this post, or paste it into the page, or simply add the whole expectation and etiquette language to the rules. email this information with every league entry notification? something. i think every drafter taking part in the dc should read this.

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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Fri Jan 23, 2015 3:25 pm

Here's the post I made two years ago advising people how to approach these Draft Champions Leagues. I'll include this link on all DC signup lists going forward. Enjoy, it's an oldie but a goodie.
Greg Ambrosius
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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by Gekko » Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:04 pm


I appreciate everything you do with alerting everyone about this. I really do. You are very proactive in this regard. For some reason, when someone acts like an ass clown in these leagues, it just breaks me down to the point of not wanting to participate. It has nothing to do with you..only that I don't want to expose myself to someone holding me hostage. The only way I know how to accomplish that is to be selective in the leagues I play.

Again, this post of yours is a great read and I wish all of your participants would read it and follow your guidance.

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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by Roy's Outlaws » Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:12 pm

Gekko wrote:Greg,

I appreciate everything you do with alerting everyone about this. I really do. You are very proactive in this regard. For some reason, when someone acts like an ass clown in these leagues, it just breaks me down to the point of not wanting to participate. It has nothing to do with you..only that I don't want to expose myself to someone holding me hostage. The only way I know how to accomplish that is to be selective in the leagues I play.

Again, this post of yours is a great read and I wish all of your participants would read it and follow your guidance.

I agreed with Mark, I'm also very careful as to what DC I get into ,as can't tolerate being held hostage by one un-communicating owner.

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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:17 pm

Gekko wrote:Greg,

I appreciate everything you do with alerting everyone about this. I really do. You are very proactive in this regard. For some reason, when someone acts like an ass clown in these leagues, it just breaks me down to the point of not wanting to participate. It has nothing to do with you..only that I don't want to expose myself to someone holding me hostage. The only way I know how to accomplish that is to be selective in the leagues I play.

Again, this post of yours is a great read and I wish all of your participants would read it and follow your guidance.
I know, but you telling me for the first time that there's even a problem after Round 47 and on the Message Boards doesn't solve the problem. Contact me via email earlier and I'll call the owner myself. All this does is scare off others who think every DC is a mess and that if they don't pick fast enough they'll be called an ass clown. It doesn't always work when I call the person to talk it through, but it never hurts. ;)

The DCs are still very strong and it's because people love the social interaction, they love seeing how the player pool is forming and these are easy leagues to manage during the season. I think it's remarkable that we are filling them up consistently despite all of the posts. But no group of owners is more passionate than this one and if we can create this product better with different levels of participation we'll do it. Let's keep improving it together.
Greg Ambrosius
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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by Bama » Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:28 pm

I think most people that do these would like a nice pace of at least 4 plus rds and be done in no more than 2 weeks, preferably in the 8 to 12 day time frame. but here's the problem, if you do the 4 hour you have to not sleep and these usually are done in less than 7 days and you are in mostly with the same ole sharks every draft. if you do the 8 hours then it could go anywhere from 12 to 35 days and everyone I do that last for more than 2 weeks there is about 10 plus guys that are frustrated with the pace and with one or 2/3 guys that continually hold it up. Not an easy solution I know but I think the expectations on these should be 4 rds minimum and be done in a 10 to 14 day time frame and 80 percent of your customers would be a lot happier.

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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by COZ » Fri Jan 23, 2015 7:47 pm

As I sit through another $400 DC and notice two teams monopolizing pitching and speed and punting the power categories, I am left with this thought once again (which I addressed previously)....WHY DO WE AWARD $1,500 for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place equally? This not only encourages punting, but it incentivizes playing for 3rd place, not 1st place, and definitely not an overall title. Apparently, some guys need to play to make a profit, and turn $400 into $1500. I play these DC's as more of a practice for the Main Event, to get a handle on the player pool and how the draft flows, and also to have some skin in the game and hopefully win a league prize and the dream of a possible overall title. Isn't that what we "should" all play for: a potential overall title? Well, not everyone has that mind set, and are simply trying to cash. Personally, this sucks the fun out for me. When we have a prize structure that defeats playing for an overall title, that defeats playing for 1st place, and rather encourages playing for 3rd leads to punting, it leads to monopolizing certain positions, it leads to a skewed draft in the sense of where players "should" go if everyone were playing for first place and not just to "cash." But most importantly, it leads to the draft NOT being FUN. And NOW I have to contemplate punting speed and have definitely punted on the opportunity to win an overall title. This is a failure in the executive level in setting the prize structure for these and is going to lead to guys who play because they need money, instead of playing for first place. This needs to change. INSTANTER.


"Baseball has it share of myths, things that blur the line between fact & fiction....Abner Doubleday inventing the game, Babe Ruth's Called Shot, Sid Finch's Fastball, the 2017 Astros...Barry Bonds's 762 HR's" -- Tom Verducci

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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by Bama » Fri Jan 23, 2015 7:55 pm

COZ wrote:As I sit through another $400 DC and notice two teams monopolizing pitching and speed and punting the power categories, I am left with this thought once again (which I addressed previously)....WHY DO WE AWARD $1,500 for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place equally? This not only encourages punting, but it incentives playing for 3rd place, not 1st place, and definitely not an overall title. Apparently, some guys need to play to make a profit, and turn $400 into $1500. I play these DC's as more of a practice for the Main Event, to get a handle on the player pool and how the draft flows, and also to have some skin in the game and hopefully win a league prize and the dream of a possible overall title. Isn't that what we "should" all play for: a potential overall title? Well, not everyone has that mind set, and are simply trying to cash. Personally, this sucks the fun out for me. When we have a prize structure that defeats playing for an overall title, that defeats playing for 1st place, and rather encourages playing for 3rd leads to punting, it leads to monopolizing certain positions, it leads to a skewed draft in the sense of where players "should" go if everyone were playing for first place and not just to "cash." But most importantly, it leads to the draft NOT being FUN. And NOW I have to contemplate punting speed and have definitely punted on the opportunity to win an overall title. This is a failure in the executive level in setting the prize structure for these and is going to lead to guys who play because they need money, instead of playing for first place. This needs to change. INSTANTER.

Maybe you should do 2 or 3 150's instead of the 400 ones especially if you just worried about overall. not sure why you worried about overall as only about 3 or 4 places pay any worthwhile money out of over 2000 entries. Maybe a 275 option would be nice.

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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by CC's Desperados » Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:13 pm

COZ wrote:As I sit through another $400 DC and notice two teams monopolizing pitching and speed and punting the power categories, I am left with this thought once again (which I addressed previously)....WHY DO WE AWARD $1,500 for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place equally? This not only encourages punting, but it incentivizes playing for 3rd place, not 1st place, and definitely not an overall title. Apparently, some guys need to play to make a profit, and turn $400 into $1500. I play these DC's as more of a practice for the Main Event, to get a handle on the player pool and how the draft flows, and also to have some skin in the game and hopefully win a league prize and the dream of a possible overall title. Isn't that what we "should" all play for: a potential overall title? Well, not everyone has that mind set, and are simply trying to cash. Personally, this sucks the fun out for me. When we have a prize structure that defeats playing for an overall title, that defeats playing for 1st place, and rather encourages playing for 3rd leads to punting, it leads to monopolizing certain positions, it leads to a skewed draft in the sense of where players "should" go if everyone were playing for first place and not just to "cash." But most importantly, it leads to the draft NOT being FUN. And NOW I have to contemplate punting speed and have definitely punted on the opportunity to win an overall title. This is a failure in the executive level in setting the prize structure for these and is going to lead to guys who play because they need money, instead of playing for first place. This needs to change. INSTANTER.

The original idea was to possibly convert the top 3 winners to main event entries. These were stand alone leagues. The switch to the overall championship offers a different mind set.

There is no real way to use DC's as prep for the main event. The draft flow is so poor and the overall ADP's have such a wide range of data that it is pretty much worthless when the lights go in March. The best players in the NFBC can see beyond the failures of the ADP's. You will see them start moving players around in March.

Teams in DC's are built with more securing in mind. Proven starting pitching is respected. Closers will be taken earlier as it is a lot harder to correct weakness in saves. Teams start working on their bench hitting earlier, which leads to more values in upside backend arms. From rounds 18 to 30, the player flow will be so much different than main events.

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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by COZ » Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:15 pm

Maybe you should do 2 or 3 150's instead of the 400 ones especially if you just worried about overall. not sure why you worried about overall as only about 3 or 4 places pay any worthwhile money out of over 2000 entries. Maybe a 275 option would be nice.[/quote]

Competing for the Overall is really secondary, and I don't enter these as a pure return-on-investment economic decision. I enter as preparation for the Main Events. And I primarily want an experience that will mirror that and not deal with punting of categories, and most especially having a prize structure in a contest that encourages punting of categories and REWARDS finishing in 3rd place. THAT, more than the Overall Prize, is my issue. But I would at least like the "hope" of winning the overall title, even if not a realistic thing. As Andy Dufresne in Shawshank stated, " Hope (of winning the overall title)is a good thing, maybe the best of things." And, as it currently stands, I have no hope. And hope, more than anything, is what the NFBC sells. Except in the $400 DC's. There is no hope when people punt.


"Baseball has it share of myths, things that blur the line between fact & fiction....Abner Doubleday inventing the game, Babe Ruth's Called Shot, Sid Finch's Fastball, the 2017 Astros...Barry Bonds's 762 HR's" -- Tom Verducci

CC's Desperados
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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by CC's Desperados » Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:30 pm

COZ wrote:[quote="Bama"
Maybe you should do 2 or 3 150's instead of the 400 ones especially if you just worried about overall. not sure why you worried about overall as only about 3 or 4 places pay any worthwhile money out of over 2000 entries. Maybe a 275 option would be nice.
Competing for the Overall is really secondary, and I don't enter these as a pure return-on-investment economic decision. I enter as preparation for the Main Events. And I primarily want an experience that will mirror that and not deal with punting of categories, and most especially having a prize structure in a contest that encourages punting of categories and REWARDS finishing in 3rd place. THAT, more than the Overall Prize, is my issue. But I would at least like the "hope" of winning the overall title, even if not a realistic thing. As Andy Dufresne in Shawshank stated, " Hope (of winning the overall title)is a good thing, maybe the best of things." And, as it currently stands, I have no hope. And hope, more than anything, is what the NFBC sells. Except in the $400 DC's. There is no hope when people punt.


Don't agree. If teams are punting power, it allowed other teams to have stronger offensive teams that have an edge. These teams will needs to get out in speed plus win the batting in the mid range pitching. In the only DC I did this year, one team took 6 straight pitchers and the top aces were off the board early in the 2nd round. I went against the grain where I didn't take my first pitcher until round 6. I was beat on the front end of pitching plus my speed is at risk. My team ended up being balance with my edge being power and RBI. Every draft is different so you have to be quick on your feet to gain the edges when you can. The speed/pitching guys are donaters over the long haul.

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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by COZ » Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:48 pm

CC's Desperados wrote:
Don't agree. If teams are punting power, it allowed other teams to have stronger offensive teams that have an edge. These teams will needs to get out in speed plus win the batting in the mid range pitching. In the only DC I did this year, one team took 6 straight pitchers and the top aces were off the board early in the 2nd round. I went against the grain where I didn't take my first pitcher until round 6. I was beat on the front end of pitching plus my speed is at risk. My team ended up being balance with my edge being power and RBI. Every draft is different so you have to be quick on your feet to gain the edges when you can. The speed/pitching guys are donaters over the long haul.
Yeah, maybe you're right. But I don't want to have to think. I don't want to have to go against the grain. I just don't want to deal with the punting of categories strategy even if it benefits me. And you cannot deny that the prize structure definitely encourages and ultimately reward this strategy because they are not playing for first place. Which is my whole point.


"Baseball has it share of myths, things that blur the line between fact & fiction....Abner Doubleday inventing the game, Babe Ruth's Called Shot, Sid Finch's Fastball, the 2017 Astros...Barry Bonds's 762 HR's" -- Tom Verducci

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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by CC's Desperados » Fri Jan 23, 2015 9:01 pm

COZ wrote:
CC's Desperados wrote:
Don't agree. If teams are punting power, it allowed other teams to have stronger offensive teams that have an edge. These teams will needs to get out in speed plus win the batting in the mid range pitching. In the only DC I did this year, one team took 6 straight pitchers and the top aces were off the board early in the 2nd round. I went against the grain where I didn't take my first pitcher until round 6. I was beat on the front end of pitching plus my speed is at risk. My team ended up being balance with my edge being power and RBI. Every draft is different so you have to be quick on your feet to gain the edges when you can. The speed/pitching guys are donaters over the long haul.
Yeah, maybe you're right. But I don't want to have to think. I don't want to have to go against the grain. I just don't want to deal with the punting of categories strategy even if it benefits me. And you cannot deny that the prize structure definitely encourages and ultimately reward this strategy because they are not playing for first place. Which is my whole point.

Just ask Greg to put up a $400 with a different prize structure, I'm sure he sell anything that sells out.

1st - $2500
2nd- $1500
3rd - $500

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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by COZ » Fri Jan 23, 2015 9:05 pm

CC's Desperados wrote:
Just ask Greg to put up a $400 with a different prize structure, I'm sure he sell anything that sells out.

1st - $2500
2nd- $1500
3rd - $500
I'm in. LOL.

1. Christopher Cosley


"Baseball has it share of myths, things that blur the line between fact & fiction....Abner Doubleday inventing the game, Babe Ruth's Called Shot, Sid Finch's Fastball, the 2017 Astros...Barry Bonds's 762 HR's" -- Tom Verducci

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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Jan 24, 2015 8:18 am

COZ wrote:
CC's Desperados wrote:
Just ask Greg to put up a $400 with a different prize structure, I'm sure he sell anything that sells out.

1st - $2500
2nd- $1500
3rd - $500
I'm in. LOL.

1. Christopher Cosley

This unfortunately isn't the thread to discuss the prizes for the $400 DC, but I have no trouble changing the $400 DC into a different prize structure if that's what people want. When we originally started these like Shawn said it was a good one to get three people into the next year's Main Event and it was requested by drafters. In football, we changed it to a structure like the one above and the interest picked up at $400. So sure, if folks want a higher payout for 1st and 2nd place, we'll do it. And if you want it that way all around next year, we'll change it completely. I just know we ran 20 $400 DCs last year and there wasn't a call out for this change, but we'll do it if the masses want it.

Maybe a different thread is needed for that because this one was designed to educate new DC players on the etiquette of a slow draft.
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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by Captain Hook » Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:22 pm

BUMP - if you are new to these leagues Please read the first post

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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:26 am

This is an old thread, but check out the top post again if you are going to enter a Draft Champions League. We want everyone to have fun in these drafts and there's no reason that we can't all respect each other and have fun in these. Again, our goal is to get through 2-3 rounds per day and to finish these in around 21 days or less.

I'll create a new thread about Draft Champions etiquette later, but real quickly take a look at the first post here and adhere to these guidelines. Thanks all.
Greg Ambrosius
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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by Bama » Sun Dec 20, 2015 8:11 pm

2 to 3 rds a day is ridiuolous slow and most entrants would refer a 8 to 14 day drafr instead of 3 weeks. You just have never got what irritates the masses in these drafts.

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Greg Ambrosius
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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Mar 03, 2016 8:22 am

Just a reminder to everyone entering the 8-Hour Draft Champions Leagues in this last week to please read these Etiquette guidelines. Communication is the key in these leagues and everyone should communicate when they can and let their leaguemates know about their availability to make picks. We want to get through at least 2-3 rounds per day, so please be diligent with your picks. Thanks all and good luck.
Greg Ambrosius
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Re: Tips For Competing In NFBC Draft Champions Leagues

Post by Ando » Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:05 pm

Greg Ambrosius wrote:Just a reminder to everyone entering the 8-Hour Draft Champions Leagues in this last week to please read these Etiquette guidelines. Communication is the key in these leagues and everyone should communicate when they can and let their leaguemates know about their availability to make picks. We want to get through at least 2-3 rounds per day, so please be diligent with your picks. Thanks all and good luck.

Can you please email these guidelines to about 12 of the 15 participants of 150$ League 3800? It would help immensely.
"Luck is the residue of design."

-Branch Rickey

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