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Watching Baseball and Listening To the Noise

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 6:25 pm
Soooo getting tired of announcers....already.

Any ball hit to the opposite field...
"A good piece of hitting"

Any walk after five pitches...
"A good at bat"

One announcer saw what I saw.
A hitter taking six pitches, four balls, two strikes and gushed about what a great at bat it was!
A shovel would have had the same result!
So stupid.

Any at bat after seven pitches is ...
"A great at bat"
Even if striking out on the next pitch.

These announcers will say that it forced the starting pitcher to increase his pitch count.
This same announcer will say how good the relief specialists are when coming into the game.
If so, why did you want the starters pitch count increased?

Managers are never criticized for balls not hit into a shift.
However, BRILLIANT, if hitting into the shift.

Some announcers wear cheer leading suits with their throats.
I can't listen to the Rockies announcers. Each of their players seems to be playing on a higher plane than the opposition.
Yet, most years, they suck.

Since Vin Scully has retired, the Mets broadcasters are the most fair and entertaining.
Still chuckle when remembering Keith Hernandez saying, "I wish Murphy cared a scintilla of a per cent about his fielding as he does his hitting."
We hear announcers say syuff like that about visiting players, hardly ever about home players.
And when something negative is said about a home player, the David Price thing comes to mind.
Stupid David Price.

If a player doesn't hit...
"He's coming out of the gates slow"

If a player still doesn't hit...
"The cold weather is having an effect on him"

If a player still doesn't hit...
"He'll come around"

The fantasy player has already dropped this player weeks ago.
He is not afraid to say, "You suck" like announcers are....

Last year, Pittsburgh announcers said...
"McCutchen will be here a long time, he's a leader"

This year, Pittsburgh announcers said,
"It was just time for McCutchen to go"

They always agree with Management. Management pays them.
They have become politically correct.
They are still silver tongued, but what is said, is less relevant. Less substance.
Errors are hardly ever bad plays. They are a loss of focus, or too hurried, or maybe a 'tougher play than it looks'.
A called third strike on a home town player, usually questioned. Umpires, the enemy for every team.

There is a sameness with most announcers now.

Scully, Barber, Carey, Santo, Harrelson...
You KNEW who was announcing when they were broadcasting.
Now, it is like these guys all come from the same boring school.
It's too bad.
For all of us.