Fantasy Variations

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Fantasy Variations

Post by DOUGHBOYS » Thu May 24, 2012 7:36 am

I like playing variations of our game. And, I'm not alone. Daily games have exploded this year. They are perfect for the impulse buyer urge that afflicts most of us. It is an 'I want it now' society, and daily games fill that need.
I don't play daily games. I prefer the grind of a six month season. I'm patient. I can wait 26 weeks. Some, prefer not to wait 24 hours. And they can fulfill that instant gratification.

In the past, I've played variations of our game. One of my favs is reverse roto where we try to obtain the worst stats. Clint Barmes would be an MVP in this league. Unless you know a computer programmer online, this league has to be local. At least, I haven't seen anything like it online. It is awesome to play if finding 14 other like-minds.
It seems like it would be easy to program, but getting the demand would be the tough part. Getting folks to pay attention to good baseball players is tough enough, enticing players to look at the dregs of our game does not encourage sites to roll out such a game.

There are even variations that can be tried with our game. This one is too radical for our game now, but if injuries continue, it could be a thought in the future.
Here it is-
We play our game the same way, but our bench counting stats result in a minus. For example, if we have Chris Heisey on our bench and he steals a base and hits a home run, then each one of those stats is taken away from our totals for the year.
It seems like a harsh penalty for benching the wrong player. And it is.
At the same time, the fellow who has six players on his bench with the dreaded 'DL' next to their names is helped. He can't lose any counting stats because his players are not playing.
Injuries are becoming more and more a part of our game and in the future, this may be a way to help injury riddled teams.

For now, our game is just right. Some are calling for weekly pitcher solutions, but some are always calling for weekly pitcher solutions. It's just the nature of our beast.
We are lucky. We can play this game against the greatest competition worldwide, while still getting a daily fix on the side.
A little like being married and having a quickie prostitute on the side....without the guilt.
On my tombstone-
Wait! I never had the perfect draft!

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