New to the system

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Reverand JoeSap
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New to the system

Post by Reverand JoeSap » Tue Feb 17, 2004 8:44 am

I have just signed up for the Friday AL Auction in NYC --

I am looking to hear about any negative or positive experiences from previous participants --

Any type of thread would be appreciated --

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New to the system

Post by Plymouth » Tue Feb 17, 2004 3:29 pm

This is the place to be.

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New to the system

Post by Jon_Ashton » Tue Feb 17, 2004 4:59 pm

This is the NFBC's first year in existence, so you're in on the ground floor of what, from all appearances, promises to be an excellent event/contest.


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New to the system

Post by Dyv » Tue Feb 17, 2004 6:39 pm

Draft day is like that first day in kindergarten ... you're all anxious, it's a new environment. All the other kids look weird and there's a lot of strange people (most likely Vega$ Gambler$)... you stake out your territory, fiddle with chairs and pencils. Greg makes some kind of (hopefully brief ) speech about how beautiful the event is and how proud he is it came together the way he envisioned....

The guy at the end of your table fires up 3 laptops - 2 of them shoot flames out and the third pulses. Another guy at the table next to you is thumbing through a 3 month old magazine and you're sad that he's not at your table. A semi-drunk guy stumbles by you - face flushed and covered with a sheen of sweat. He just ran to the draft room to be there on time and is going to use his body odor to distract the owners on either side of him.

Some owners will have their game faces on early - others will make nervous small talk about how beautiful the weather is in (name of city). Someone will actually show up in a brown Padres jersey and draft all Padres 3 rounds too early. Of course, that person isn't in your league either (damn it...)

The draft admin will announce that we'll get started in 'just about 30 seconds' and somebody will stand up and say to him 'I'm going to just run to the bathroom... I've got time, right?' - with a roll of his eyes the kindly moderator agrees to let the draft start a few minutes late - promising himself that he'll make up the time later (and, of course, he won't...)

Finally, the draft begins... 10 voices simultaneously announce 'Alex Rodriguez' and the draft will get under way. Undoubtedly someone with the 3rd or 4th pick will totally freeze up - shocked at the thought he'd have to make a decision and use almost his entire time limit to make what seems to be a relatively obvious choice and certainly one that waiting another minute won't resolve....

From across the room, you'll hear someone make an odd pick - and 30 people will turn their heads and look at the person making the pick - does Vinny Castilla really deserve to be a 4th round pick - is there something we don't know?? 29 people will mutter 'dead money' and turn back to their tables. 1 person will circle Vinny on their cheat sheet and be ready to pounce on him earlier than he intended.

Finally, the draft will end - and people will immediately drift around glancing over the other draft boards in the room. 5-6 people will loudly announce how other teams made huge mistakes and that their strategy was brilliant and they are clearly the odds-on-favorite to win.

10 others will simply think that, but not announce it.

Oh yeah, then the drinking starts... and more posturing and arms breaking while owners pat themselves on the back.

The guy with the 3 month old magazine will make an announcement that he wasn't really prepared... as if he hid it so well nobody noticed...

Everyone will wish the others good luck while also cursing their opponent's health.

Well - something like that... it's friendly, but competitive. There's some gamesmanship, but mostly good people sharing a hobby we all enjoy. The winner will be the one who gets lucky - and who puts him or herself into a position to BE lucky.

In the end - there can be only one. Let it be, Dyv McLeod ;)

OH yeah - you said auction league. Hell, that's totally different.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

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New to the system

Post by viper » Wed Feb 18, 2004 12:06 am

Post post Dyv.

All you missed was Walter Cronkite coming in and saying, "And that's the way it is."

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