Injured Reserve Spot

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Injured Reserve Spot

Post by Philippe27 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 9:23 am

I brought this up in another thread but it seemed to have a few positive comments so thought it deserved it's own topic to see the general pulse.

First I just want to say that I'm 100% against DL Spots, especially in 15 team leagues but I think this solution could be a compromise.

My idea would be to have one IR-Designated to Return roster spot (kind of like in the NFL). Once in the year, you can put an injured player in that spot and bring him back on your roster when he's healthy. The spot can be used just once in the year.

It would allow a team that drafted Madison Bumgarner this year to put him in that spot for the first 2-3 months. Yes you'd still lose his stats but at least you wouldn't lose the roster spot for 2-3 months so it would lower the impact. The other advantage of this is that instead of removing 15 players from the Free Agents pool like a DL spot would, it would only remove I'm guessing 5 players at a time since it's not a reusable spot.

The 10-15 day injuries suck but they're part of the strategy. Everyone will have them and it's why we have 7 reserve spots. The long term injuries are the ones that really hurt, yes they're part of the game but an IR-Designated to Return spot would help alleviate the impact a little.

It wouldn't take away any of the strategy, if anything it would add one more tough decision since when you have an early injury like Elvis Andrus for 6-8 weeks, you'd have to decide if it's worth using it on him.

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Re: Injured Reserve Spot

Post by Doggy » Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:13 am

i wouldnt mind acouple of dl spots. to be added. seems like a increase in DL guys since the 10 day has been used by MLB

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