DFS donations

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DFS donations

Post by Atlas » Tue Aug 18, 2015 4:40 pm

Okay.... I've made a decent donation toward the Tuesday DFS here. I've been as high as 13 and 17th and a low as 76.

After 17 weeks, I'm starting to view the DFS like I do football...half skill/half luck.

I do notice, however, that the good players do seem to find the top regularly...which --to me--means there is still a level of skill involved.

It just seems that we're banking a lot on isolated performances vs. a player producing his mean and what his baseball card reads (i.e. a season worth of stats).

I guess there are some givens...
You can steer away from pitching in Coors.
You can lean towards hitting in Coors.
You can grab hot players or those with favorable match ups, either against poor pitching or good history.

It just seems that I check the winning line ups and the winning teams seem to have a crystal ball that pulled a Judy out of their hat that had a 2 HR, 4 RBI night. Luck? Or did they see something?

Again...first year DFS player here.

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Re: DFS donations

Post by Captain Hook » Tue Aug 18, 2015 10:38 pm

It is Gambling - you are always going to have odd results as well as players who have a zillion lineups throwing a few outliers against the wall just in case

IF you can't spend several hours per day on it you will not be a winner - there are good players who spend most of their day on it.

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Re: DFS donations

Post by Atlas » Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:10 am

Captain Hook wrote:It is Gambling - you are always going to have odd results as well as players who have a zillion lineups throwing a few outliers against the wall just in case

IF you can't spend several hours per day on it you will not be a winner - there are good players who spend most of their day on it.
And to an extent I realized this. My approach was that if I rolled the dice enough times, eventually I would hit on the right combination...but so did 90 other guys.

But when I check the winning line ups (and I'm only talking about the Fan Duel here)and see that outlier that separated the winner(s) from the pack, I scratch my bald head and wonder how the F**K did they see that coming?

I guess it becomes a risk vs. reward.
Am I better playing 10 daily games at $25 to win $1600, or take the $250 and sink it into 2 more satellites?
(Rhetorical question)

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Re: DFS donations

Post by devilznj » Wed Aug 19, 2015 8:40 am

The NFBC weekly contest got me a tiny bit interested in the daily game.

I have been playing that and the only other tinkering I've done is on days when there are a limited number of games scheduled, or I'll play a 50/50 with the thought process that I should be able to finish in the top 50%.

So many of those other games to me are just a game of chance where I would just be throwing my money away. I could see it being addictive to some though.
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Re: DFS donations

Post by Atlas » Wed Aug 19, 2015 2:20 pm

devilznj wrote:The NFBC weekly contest got me a tiny bit interested in the daily game.

I have been playing that and the only other tinkering I've done is on days when there are a limited number of games scheduled, or I'll play a 50/50 with the thought process that I should be able to finish in the top 50%.

So many of those other games to me are just a game of chance where I would just be throwing my money away. I could see it being addictive to some though.
I'll jump in when Fan Dual gives you that "free roll" for playing here on Tuesday. Meh...I take a swing for the fences knowing that thousands are playing. Gives me a little more practice and experience. I like the 91 limit here much more. At least its reasonable.

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Re: DFS donations

Post by TOXIC ASSETS » Wed Aug 19, 2015 3:46 pm

I'm beginning to wonder if a lot of the fanduel entries are nothing more than computer selected teams.
I put $100 into fanduel early in the season and have $15 left - playing low stakes games.
It always seems like the opponent plays the exact right guys at the exact right time.

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