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Thank You, Clint

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:44 pm
I don't like America's political system. It is run by two parties and has become an endurance race between candidates that can keep their noses cleanest the longest.
In our senate and congressional races, we have candidates who more represent their parties, not their states.
It is halftime of the Super Bowl as I write this and just listened to the Clint Eastwood car commercial. And, I was thinking that if there were a persona like Eastwood that ran for President, wouldn't that be cool? It wouldn't have to be Eastwood himself, just a guy that'll call bullshit on something instead of trying to dance, slant, or spin. Somebody that'll say something is wrong, instead of finding 50 ways to make it sound right.
A guy that'll tell even the almighty press to go take a flying leap. We are a country of panzies. The politically correct have won and it looks like we'll get a Romney-Obama choice.

It may seem unAmerican, I don't know. I do know that it's disappointing that this has to be the way it is.
It may sound bitter. It probably is. We live in a time where not only are we in the midst of the wussification, most are embracing it.
Clint Eastwood's speech brought back a little of the patriotism in me. I can't remember the last time one of our leaders did that.
We need our leaders to call bullshit. We need leaders who will not do what's best for themselves or their party, but what is best for their country. The country that gave them that opportunity.

Re: Thank You, Clint

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:13 pm
by Roy's Outlaws
Dan : Sorry to say but I have to agreed with you 100%. It all big money running politices in this country, Roomey spending Millions of his fortune to feed his EGO. Corzine and Bloomberg spent multi-million to win elections to take care of their friends with pet projects and steal what ever they can get away with. That why older American are moving out of the country in huge numbers(Mexico,Costa Rica,Panama,Hondures). Why, because the cost of living is about 1/3 or less there than it is here. Medical cost are even more of a differant. I have to get stitches in Mexico a few years ago on vacation and with the emergency room ,doctor ,a shot ,and stitches. Total cost $87. In the U. S. has to be a few thousand. Very sad what is happening to this great country because nobody want to rock the boat and stand up and take a stand and not back down. Would be nice to see thing done because they are the right thing to do,not to certain people advantage.

Re: Thank You, Clint

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:05 pm
by Edwards Kings
Well, there you go again!
