MLB player protests war by sitting out anthem

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MLB player protests war by sitting out anthem

Post by Dyv » Sat Jan 29, 2005 5:30 am

Fancy big numbers... *yawn*

Why don't we just cancel the entire military and do all of those things you list at once? Just pull money from all over the place and throw it around... the world is a wonderful pretty place. It's so simple, just buy 2.6 million teachers and 1.4 million low income housing projects.

Not to get too carried away, but:

We don't have enough preschools to allow 20 million more children to attend them.

We don't have 2.6 million teachers laying around looking for a job.

Public universities couldn't handle an excess 7 million students for the next four years.

Have any idea where to scrape up enough construction equipment laying around to build 1.4 million welfare homes?

Do we have a surplus amount of immunizations to handle every child in the world or the ability to make enough medicine to handle it? What would the cost be to administer the immunizations? Distribute them?

It all sounds pretty - GG, why don't you run for President and fix the world?

Just Some Guy

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MLB player protests war by sitting out anthem

Post by JohnZ » Sat Jan 29, 2005 7:50 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:

The War In Iraq Cost the United States $152,210,115,991 and growing every second

Instead, we could have:

paid for 20,160,289 children to attend a year of Head Start or

hired 2,637,823 additional public school teachers for one year or

provided 7,378,825 students four-year scholarships at public universities or

built 1,370,512 additional public housing units or

ensured that every child in the world was given basic immunizations for 50 years

there are many others as well.

instead we found no WMD and are no changing the focus of the war to liberate iraq. there are other countries that could be liberated. are we going there next? You forgot another 400,000 found in mass graves in Iraq.

Leaderboard Sports
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Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:00 pm

MLB player protests war by sitting out anthem

Post by Leaderboard Sports » Sat Jan 29, 2005 8:28 am

Too many numbers, too complicated :rolleyes:

War is Bad

Killing is Bad

The MidEast has been at war for 3000 years and will be for the next 3000 years. They live in the dirt and there's nothing else to do.

I am convinced if George had it to do all over we would not be there now.

There is no way we can make a gracefull exit and we will suffer through 4 more years of war till the voters grow weary of it and elect someone who promises a speedy withdrawal.

Within two years of our leaving a fundamentalist Muslim revolution will install a government similar to Irans.

They don't want democracy, they want to go see Allah.

None of these statements are supported by facts and I have no expertice on the subject but that's what's gonna happen cause I said so! :D :D :D

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